Tuesday, July 29, 2008
This past weekend we had our 10 yr. high school reunion. It started off Friday night at Harry's. We were on our way out the door to go but Kaylie must have known we were leaving and decided not to sleep, so we skipped that part. Sat. afternoon was the picnic and school tour which we didn't make it to either. We did however go to Sat. nights event which was at Nine Irish Brother's. It was a little disappointing that only about 25 people showed up to this event. This was probably due to the fact that we only heard about the reunion a month ago. Here is a picture of some of the girls that were there. We are missing a few. I don't have a picture of the guys. I thought some of you WL people might be interested.
Sorry for all of the videos but I had to post this one for my parents who can't see them on the computer unless I post them. Kaylie loves reading and she has memorized "Pat the Bunny," so I thought it was so cute then she began reading it on her own while I was changing Landon. I had to run and get the camera.

Friday, July 25, 2008
Big Day
I couldn't resist posting about our big day yesterday. First of all, on Wed. my friend asked me if Landon was still having trouble sitting for very long and I replied, "yes." Well I have learned that your kids always prove you wrong so of course I sat Landon on the picnic blanket and he sat there just great for about 15 min. Since then he is sitting all time and loving it. I love it as well because it's something else he can do on his own while I get cooking or something done. The other news from Thurs. was that Landon and Kaylie got haircuts. This was Landon's first professional haircut. His dad cut his hair once but it needed some improvement so I took him in to get it done. The lady commented on how much hair he has. So here is a picture of Landon's new haircut. 
Kaylie had about an inch taken off. This picture if from the other day. For some reason I just started doing her hair like this. I realized I better start now or she will be too old for it. :(
The other big news around here yesterday was that Landon fed himself Puffs. We have been trying for a few days now but he got it last night and fed himself about 5-6 puffs. Kaylie and I cheered him on so I think he thought we were pretty goofy. My little baby is growing up. :(
Kaylie had about an inch taken off. This picture if from the other day. For some reason I just started doing her hair like this. I realized I better start now or she will be too old for it. :(
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
New Tricks
First of all, I would like to say that I am alive and kicking after what turned out to be my 10 mile bike ride on Sat. It was actually a great ride. It was not near as hilly as last year. We all enjoyed ourselves and are gearing up for next year. I am going to post some videos and pictures of the kids newest tricks...
Here is Kaylie saying her ABC's. We are very proud of her for learning these since it is not what a 2 yr. old needs to know but she picked up on them pretty fast.
This is also a video of Kaylie singing one of her nursery rhymes which is one of her favorite things to do around baby Landon.
Here is Landon's newest trick... sitting on his own. He can still only do it for a short time completely on his own but he is getting much better.

This is just a cute picture from after bath time today.
Here is Kaylie saying her ABC's. We are very proud of her for learning these since it is not what a 2 yr. old needs to know but she picked up on them pretty fast.
This is also a video of Kaylie singing one of her nursery rhymes which is one of her favorite things to do around baby Landon.
Here is Landon's newest trick... sitting on his own. He can still only do it for a short time completely on his own but he is getting much better.
This is just a cute picture from after bath time today.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Well I turned the big 29 on Tues. Scary to think that next year I will be 30! I am going to enjoy this last year in my 20's. I do have to say though, entering 30 knowing we have 2 beautiful children and our life is pretty settled is nice. For my birthday I enjoyed spending the day with my mom, grandma, and the kids. We went to lunch and did some shopping which is always fun. That night we just hung out here and Jeremy got me a cake. Jeremy also got me a digital picture frame which I love. Kaylie finds it very entertaining as well. Putting it next to the dinner table is a good excuse to eat her food slower than she already does. :) On Wed. night we went to a cook-out at our country club with Jeremy's parents. We sat outside which was really nice.
Kaylie was excited about my birthday and loved singing to me. :)
Here are some family pictures we took before dinner Wed. night.

Wish me luck!!!
This weekend is the big German Festival in Batesville. People come from all over to go to this. There are bike races, walkes, run, activities, lots of food and drinks. At night they have a big "party" with a German band. We have friends coming in town for it and they are going to ride in the bike "race" with us. It is 7 miles. Last year I was pregnant and Jeremy did it pulling Kaylie. The path is nothing but hills so you go up one and it's time for another. It's a killer if you ask me. So my training this year has consisted of pulling the kids 2 times for a 30 min. ride. Do you think I am ready??? NO!!!
Kaylie was excited about my birthday and loved singing to me. :)
Here are some family pictures we took before dinner Wed. night.
Wish me luck!!!
This weekend is the big German Festival in Batesville. People come from all over to go to this. There are bike races, walkes, run, activities, lots of food and drinks. At night they have a big "party" with a German band. We have friends coming in town for it and they are going to ride in the bike "race" with us. It is 7 miles. Last year I was pregnant and Jeremy did it pulling Kaylie. The path is nothing but hills so you go up one and it's time for another. It's a killer if you ask me. So my training this year has consisted of pulling the kids 2 times for a 30 min. ride. Do you think I am ready??? NO!!!
Monday, July 14, 2008
This past weekend I had the honor of being my good friend Elizabeth's matron of honor at their wedding in Chicago. It was a great weekend and really nice to hang out with Elizabeth,her family, and friends. We were also free of children (they stayed with Jeremy's parents), so we could stay out late and not worry about naps and eating schedules. Here are some pictures from the fun weekend.
Elizabeth and Rich

Elizabeth and I


It was great to hang out with my family as well...

The beautiful room...
Elizabeth and Rich
Elizabeth and I
It was great to hang out with my family as well...
The beautiful room...
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Today we went to the doctor for Landon's 6 month check-up, however he is really 7 months old next week. Here are his stats: weight- 19 lbs. 2 oz. and height 28 in. The doctor said he is tall and skinny and right on track for where he should be developmentally and physically so that is always nice to hear. Here are some pictures of Landon eating his fruit and veggies. He now eats cereal, fruit, and veggies. He is a big fan of them all. He does not like peas though! He is a very happy baby which we are very blessed with. I just love walking in to his room and seeing him smiling and so happy to see me.

When we left the doctor I told Kaylie we would get her favorite McDonald's since she was a good girl sitting patiently with us at the doctor while Landon was being checked out. We came home and had a picnic outside which is Kaylie's favorite. Luckily her picnic table is shaded until early afternoon. We then washed the van. Kaylie is a great helper and loves to help Mommy and Daddy with whatever we are doing. After we washed the van, Kaylie decided she needed to wash her bike and scooter. Here is Kaylie helping. The one picture looks like she is going to the bathroom but she is really looking at the tires and washing them. I thought the reflection was neat. I also thought her daddy would be proud of the extra attention she took on the tires. More than me! :) Landon was also a great support in his stroller.
When we left the doctor I told Kaylie we would get her favorite McDonald's since she was a good girl sitting patiently with us at the doctor while Landon was being checked out. We came home and had a picnic outside which is Kaylie's favorite. Luckily her picnic table is shaded until early afternoon. We then washed the van. Kaylie is a great helper and loves to help Mommy and Daddy with whatever we are doing. After we washed the van, Kaylie decided she needed to wash her bike and scooter. Here is Kaylie helping. The one picture looks like she is going to the bathroom but she is really looking at the tires and washing them. I thought the reflection was neat. I also thought her daddy would be proud of the extra attention she took on the tires. More than me! :) Landon was also a great support in his stroller.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
July 4th
We had a great July 4th weekend. We started off Thurs. by celebrating Jeremy's cousin's little girl's 1st birthday (Jeremy's God Daughter). It was fun to see them because they live in Nebraska so they do not make it home very often. On Fri. the
4th we had a cook-out with our friends down the street and their 3 kids. We all agreed that this was the coldest July 4th we remember. We were all wearing sweatshirts and pants. We came back to our house so Jeremy could let off fire works for the kids to see. This was Kaylie's first fire works show and she loved it. Landon liked them as long as they were not loud. We had a great time. Sat. we did some shopping with my brother and his family. It was great to hang out with them for the day. I think we may take the kids swimming tomorrow since it will feel like July again and be in the upper 80's. I hope everyone had a great 4th and long weekend!
Since I am new at this, I am a little behind on my posts so I will try to catch up. We went to the Cinci. zoo on Wed. with some friends from town. Kaylie loved the animals and riding the train and carousel. Landon was trooper and just hung out in his stroller with no nap. We are blessed to have a very laid back second baby that goes with us wherever we want to take him and does not complain. I pray this does not change! Here are some pictures.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Peer Pressure
Well I am attempting my hand at blogging. After many of my friends and some family members began blogging, I have found that it is a great way to stay in touch with everyone. I love reading everyone's blogs so I am going to try and attempt to be half way interesting so someone might want to read about what is going on in our life. We are headed to the zoo tomorrow so I am sure I will have plenty of stories and pictures to share...
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