Friday, November 21, 2008

So big!

Well a lot has happened since our last post. Over the past several months I have learned that no child of yours is the same and does not do everything the same time your first child does things, this could be a girl vs. boy thing or the fact that with your first child you have a lot more time to sit and play and with your second one there is not nearly the same amount of time. We have been waiting months now for Landon to move on his own. He showed no interest in crawling but loved to walk and was great at cruising anything that he was standing around. Last week he took 8 steps across the floor so we were sure he was going to walk in the next few weeks. Well after boycotting walking on his own, I decided we were going to have "baby bootcamp," and he was going to learn to walk or crawl. So needless to say the next day he was crawling, sitting up and standing up in his bad all by himself. I was so excited. I know this add more craziness to our day with 2 moving children but this takes away his and my frustration. :) Here is a little video. Don't worry we don't use food to make him crawl. I was just updating the blog and he was eating a snack so it was a good time to get a video real fast! :)

Along with crawling he is also talking a lot more. He now says, "Ma Ma" to me and "Da Da" to Jeremy so he knows who we are, he also says "dae dae" when he sees Daisy our cat and will try to say diaper and other words we say. He is beginning to eat more table food and loves any meat we give him. He polished off 2 chicken nuggets the other day.

We are not loving this cold weather, and getting ready to leave the house takes us another 10 min. to get the kids all bundled up and out the door. Luckily Kaylie is really good about getting her shoes, coat, and hat on herself. We just moved Landon's car seat around so he is much happier now facing the way everyone else is. He just kicks his feet and laughs.

Kaylie is in gymnastics and loving it. This is the one thing she will do completely by herself without me standing by. She loves her teacher. Her favorite thing is the bars so here she is on the bars.

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving. We feel so blessed with what we have and all of our family and friends that we are surrounded by.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween 2008

Here are some pictures from the kids Halloween experience. Kaylie really got into it this year and was loving all the candy she was getting at each house. Landon enjoyed riding around in the wagon looking at all the funny looking kids walking around. It was wonderful weather so we had a great time. It did get cool by the end of the night so we set up a bon fire and hung out in the drive way. Here are some pictures...

Kaylie had fun carving her pumpkin with Daddy. As you can see Daddy found it easier to use the drill on the small parts...

Kaylie and I enjoyed doing crafts during the fall and here are some examples...

Now to the cutest little trick-or-treaters...

This last picture is from our tailgate at the Purdue game this past weekend. We went to the Purdue game with some friends from Chicago. One of the couples have a little boy Nolan who we have already decided will be roomates with Landon. We decided that they could live in a co-ed dorm and Kaylie would be there to watch out and let us know what is going on. Ha! The first picture is Kaylie entertaining the boys with all of her songs.