Both of the kids are doing well and growing up way too fast. Kaylie started t-ball last week. She was beyond excited. She could not sleep or function she was so excited. It was the cutest thing ever to watch and literally brought tears to my eyes watching my "baby" out there playing t-ball. She really isn't old enough is she?? I was a bit nervous she would get there and be shy and not want to play but boy was I wrong. She jumped right in and did great. She has asked me every day since her last game when her next game is. I decided I am not going to tell her until we are walking out the door to head to the game. :)
Landon is growing and changing as well. He is talking up a storm. He pretty much repeats anything you tell him and is now saying 2-3 word phrases. Some of his favories are, "Hi Mommy, Hi Daddy, Hi Kaylie, lawnmower grass daddy, Daddy hit (he is refering to the golf ball incase you were wondering). :)Currently he is in a yelling phase where he loves to yell, "MOOOOM!!!" as loud as he can even if I am standing right next to him.
The other big news here is that Jeremy graduated from Xavier University in Cincinnati with his MBA degree. He went to night class 2 nights a week for almost 3 years straight. We are SOOOO happy to have daddy home and not having to go to class and do homework on the weekend. We are also very proud of him for all of his hard work.
Here are some pictures of our favorite activities...
Landon loves to "hit ball" as he calls it. He actually has a great swing!
Kaylie loves to skate and she really likes it when Daddy or Mommy skate with her.
Here are the cool dudes I get to drive around every day.
We eat a lot of our lunches outside on nice days. The kids love sitting at their picnic table.
About 2 weeks ago I decided that Landon's hair was too long and even though he gets it cut every 3 weeks it was still stuck up all over. I took him in and told her I wanted it cut short so he got his first, "buzz cut." I think it is adorable on him and makes him look so much older. It's hard to tell in these pictures because it's still longer in the front, but I think next time I will have her buzz it all.
My 3 and 1 year olds driving...
We took the kids to visit Purdue over Memorial Day weekend. Kaylie loves to see the fountain and the bell tower because she seems them in her Purdue books at home. Even though the kids are starting to get to that age where they have their sibling fights, they do love each other and this is how they walked around most of the time on our tour.