I have really been enjoying the last month or so because Kaylie and Landon are really becoming good friends. They enjoy playing together and about 90% of the time play well together. They both enjoy the others company and like being in the same room together. This has made it really nice for me because we can all do things together and when I need to get something done they can go in the basement and entertain each other. I hope this relationships stays and that they stay close.
Landon is a jabber box these days and just makes us laugh. He is so fun and can carry on a conversation with us. He is saying mostly 3-4 word sentences so when Kaylie is as school he just talks to me the whole time she is gone. Here is the first 5 min. of our ride home after dropping her off...
Landon- Where sissy at?
Me- School
Landon- Miss Sissy, bye bye, love you!
Kaylie is still loving school and doing great. She loves Thursdays because that is show and tell day. They get to bring in something that has to do with the letter of the week, so we enjoy coming up with fun ideas for the week. She now knows how to write her name all by herself with no help.
Here are some recent pictures... The kids love to help me with whatever it is that I am doing. As you moms out there know, this can add about an hour to whatever it is that you are doing, but it is fun to let them help whenever possible. The kids each helped me mix, clean the dishes, and check to make sure it was cooking just right.

A lot of times when I am in the shower they will go in Kaylie's room and look at books together. This is what I found one day... Kaylie decided to dress up her bear and they were both reading to him.

They are also really into puzzles and drawing

Kaylie still likes to help daddy make waffles or pancakes on Saturday mornings.

In Sept. we were very excited because we got to visit with some friends of mine and their little ones. Here is Kaylie and Annabel

Here are the kids with Jackson and Ryne