This weekend we moved Landon to his "big boy bed." So far so good. He loves his new bed and has done really well. It was sad to see his crib go, as there will not be any more babies in this Raver house. Although I love the ages my kids are at, I want to freeze them because I know they won't stay little forever. Jeremy's brother bought our baby furniture for their new baby. Landon said, "I give my crib to uncle David's baby." It was cute.
Recently we have really been enjoying the "heat wave." It was in the low 40's this week and it was great. The kids loved getting outside to play on their swingset and to ride their jeep. Last weekend I helped host my sister-in-law, Dee's, babyshower. She is such a cute pregnant girl. They don't know what they are having. Kaylie went with me and it was a lot of fun. I love having my little girl to take to showers. I remember doing that with my mom when I was little. Landon is still growing up so fast. He is so fun to take places and have around when Kaylie is at school. We have a lot of fun talking and playing together. Kaylie just started Disney Dance and Swim Lessons at the YMCA. She is loving both of them. She is currently earning reward stickers to get a pair of dance/ballet slippers like some of the other girls. She is a fish in the water and not affraid to do whatever the teacher asks of her.
For some reason when I post videos they are really choppy the first time you watch it. Just let it play the first time and then if you watch it again, it will be smooth. Sorry!
I feel like we are going through a lot of changes right now and I am seeing my babies grow up more and more (which is making me sad). We just took Landon's pacifier away, we are going to move him in about 2 weeks to his big boy bed, and we just got new big girl furniture for Kaylie. As I was downloading the pictures of Kaylie's new room, I thought I would go back and look at some other pictures of her room. It is amazing in just 4 years how much things have changed. Take a look...
When we found out we were having a girl, I was so excited to decorate in pink...Here is Kaylie's nursery.
When she was about 22 months and Landon was about to be born, we moved her crib to Landon's room and gave her my furniture that I had when I was little...
And now she is 4 and ready for some big girl furniture. We wanted to get her white because we thought it was more girly and she could keep it for awhile. Her bed is a trundle bed so she is ready for sleepovers and is already asking when her friends can spend the night. Man, how things have changed in 4 years!! Daddy had lots of help putting the room together. :)
We had a great Christmas and New Year's. It's hard to believe it is already 2010. I feel very blessed and pray that 2010 is as great as 2009. The kids are at great ages and I just want to freeze them. I want to keep them little as long as possible because I know that each year just goes faster and faster.
Here are some pictures...
For New Year's Eve we went to friends house. The kids made party hats and glasses and then made a toast with sparking grape jello. We also went swimming in their covered pool. It was a great time for the kids and adults.