Yesterday I took the kids to Tuttle's Apple Orchard in Greenfield. I lived in Greenfield for 9 years before moving to WL and we use to go to Tuttles to get our apples. The kids really wanted to have the chance to "pick" their own apples, not just go buy them.
Tuttles also had a neat play area for the kids with 3 mazes and things to play on. It was a fun little field trip for the kids and I.
Today we took the kids to the Purdue game. This was Kaylie's 3rd Purdue game and Landon's 1st. The whole game he kept saying, "This is my first Purdue game!" It was cute because he was very excited, as was Kaylie.
We started the morning off with breakfast at Triple XXX. The kids love breakfast there because they decorate the pancakes to look like Mickey Mouse.
We headed to the game early. We don't usually go this early, but I am glad we did because we got to see and do some fun things. We headed over to Slayter Hill where the band was and we got to see the World's Largest Drum up close and the kids even go to hit it. They were also able to get into the Boilermaker Special and ring the bell which they thought was cool.
They enjoyed the game and had fun watching all of the excitement going on during the game. Landon even got the "1234 First down," part down pretty well. Kaylie of couse enjoyed all of the cheerleaders and practiced her cheers when she got home. These pictures were all taken before the game started and people started coming, so it did fill in when the game started. :) It was a fun day!