Jeremy and I decided to get our rackets restrung, knock off the dust, and head to the courts last week. We took the kids with us. Kaylie enjoyed running around for a little while and then she was great entertainment for Landon while Jeremy and I played. It was a lot of fun and made me excited to watch the kids play in the future.
Jeremy stained our swing set last weekend which took a long 7 hours. He is hoping to not have to do that again for awhile. The kids continue to love playing on it.
Yesterday was beautiful so we headed to Miami Whitewater State Park which is in Ohio. It was a lot of fun. We did a 7 mile bike ride. Jeremy pulled the kids in the trailer behind. They enjoyed the ride. The best part was when we were almost done and plain as day Landon said, "Mom." We were so excited. Jeremy wondered why he said, "mom," after he pulled him for 7 miles, but I explained that I carried him for 9 months and gave birth to him. :) Of course he won't say it today and when I ask him, he just smiles at me. Silly boy. We also had a picnic dinner, fed the ducks, and played on the playground. It was a great family day.
Landon's other new trick is he loves eating crackers. This is great when we are eating or out to eat and he needs to be entertained. He does a great job holding it and feeding himself.
Kaylie has been begging for Landon to play with her. Every day she wakes up and says, "Mommy, is he big enough to play now?" It's really cute. Now that Landon can sit and play more they like to sit together and this morning Kaylie she even decided to do Landon's hair. Good thing he is such a sweet and patient little boy. He just smiles and does whatever.
This weekend we are celebrating Landon's baptism so I will post more on that soon...
How great to have a big sister who is such a helper. And yeah for his first word!! Good comback about the 7 miles vs 9 months...I think you win ;)
I love the tennis pic!
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