We had a great Labor Day weekend! It was kicked off on Sat. by nothing other than shopping at the Edenburg Outlets (Jennifer watch out!! :) ) I love that place. We found some winter clothes for the kids and of course Jeremy and I walked out with only 1 shirt each. How did that happen?? Oh well, it's fun shopping for new cute clothes for the kids. Sun. was spent by Jermey golfing with his dad and brother and then we all headed to a cook-out at a co-workers of Jeremy's. Sun. we packed the kids up and headed to the zoo. I found that going to the zoo with Jeremy's help versus me taking the kids and a friend and their kids is so much easier. It was so relaxing being able to tag team and walk around the zoo with Kaylie and push Landon in the stroller. Jeremy said he wondered how I saw any animals by myself between bottles, snacks, bathroom breaks, etc. I said, "exactly!" This time we went through the zoo with ease, no crowds, and lots of animals sightings. It was so fun! Kaylie loved it and Landon enjoyed it as well. It's so fun to see the excitment in their eyes.
Here are a few pictures.

Landon enjoyed relaxing in his stroller and eating his bottle. We are so blessed with a happy "little man" as we call him.

After a hot walk around the zoo everyone needed a snack so what better than cold ice cream. Kaylie loved sitting next to daddy and sharing her ice cream with him. I hope she enjoyed the zoo as much as we enjoyed taking her and watching her excitment.

Poor Landon was wondering how he got stuck with Puffs when we were eating the good stuff. Soon he can have "fun" food.
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