So most of you have already heard by now, but last Monday was an eventful trip to Lafayette. I was putting Landon down for a nap and when I got done and came into the kitchen I heard Kaylie crying and just assumed she had fallen and didn't think much about it. I was surprised when I got there and found my mom holding a bloody cloth on her head and telling me she needed to go get stitches. I took one look at it and was in shock at how deep of a cut my baby had on her forehead. She had gone to get the paper with my grandma (her great grandma) and tripped on the rug and hit her head on the brick at the bottom of the front door. So to make a long story short, my grandma stayed with Landon and my mom and I took Kaylie to Urgent Care. My mom helped remind me that Kaylie was looking at me to be calm so I had to go into "mom mode" and be the strong one. Kaylie did get 17 stitches (2 inside and 15 out). She did AMAZING! They always put kids in these straight jacket looking things and tie them down and Kaylie didn't cry one time and was just so brave. We were so proud of her, I would have been scared if it were me but she acted like such a big girl. It hurt me more to watch her laying there. Needless to say, since she did so well we took her to the store and my mom let her pick out new clothes for her baby, new clothes for her, and several other things. You have to spoil them after that. :) The stitches are out and she is doing great. We are praying there is not a big scar. I said God knows when to let things like this happen because we had the support we needed and it all worked out better than I would have imagined for such a scary thing.
Here are some pictures from a few days after she had stitches.

This picture was taken before we went to a baby shower of one of my good high school friends. It was really fun to take Kaylie with me and great to see my good friends.

Landon is doing well. He is working on his 1 year molars and they are not treating him so well. He has been working on them and they have been so swollen for about a month now. I can finally see the first one coming up. Otherwise he is still talking a lot and just amazes me with all the fun things he is learning. He is a sweetie and I love his cute smile and hugs.
It is funny because now when I get out the camera he sits on the floor and says, "cheese."

Of course we are cheering really hard for our Boilers!!

He also likes to hold his phone up to his ear and say, "ello".

While Kaylie and I were at the shower Jeremy put together his new mower. He loves to push this around.

Landon loves to jump on the trampoline. He usually does this while I am working out on the treadmill. This is his workout. :)

My little helper (Kaylie) loves to help me feed baby Landon. I thought the look on her face was so cute and Landon is thinking, "why did you let her do this?" :)
What a brave little girl! My goodness, though, how scary. You're so cute with "mom-mode". Sorry I missed you all at the shower!
I can't believe that happened! My heart broke too when Sawyer had to get stitches in his leg. Now they didn't straight jacket him, I just held him. What a trooper she was!
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