Kaylie adores her daddy and her daddy adores her, therefore he will do whatever she asks. So this is how they walked through downtown Indy on the way to the restaurant. So cute! :)
We also went to visit baby Caitlin. She came home on Friday. The kids were so excited to hold her. Kaylie loved playing mommy and holding her. Landon really wanted to hold her but I was not sure how he would react since it was the first baby he had held. He did great and loved it. He would have held her all day if we let him.
I am trying to get a video of Landon counting to 20 and saying his ABC's but he won't do it for the camera. He is quite the jabber box and will sing or talk for you all day.
Kaylie has started gymnastics and is still doing swimming. She will hopefully have a full week of school this week for the first time in a month! She loves to tell stories and is very big into make believe right now, which is fun. Luckily Landon plays right with her, which is really fun to watch then play and interact together.
For a min I thought you were going to tell us about number 3!! (Then it was someone elses baby) Love the picture of Dad holding the doll hands! So cute!
What fun! Love the pic of Jeremy holding the doll's hand :-)
Oh these are all so adorable! How much fun you guys have, I giggled for forever with the holding hands with baby doll pic, I understand that one COMPLETELY!!!
Love you you all!! Can't wait til we get to see you!
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