Last week we had Kaylie's "Celebration Day" at preschool. This year Kaylie went 2 days a week and next year she will go 3 days a week. Next year she will have "Graduation Day." I was happy knowing she will return for another year because I am not ready for "real" school to start. She absolutely loves preschool (her teachers, friends, field trips, fun activities, etc etc.).
I can't believe how much Kaylie has grown and matured this year. My baby is really growing up and becoming so much more independent. I get a lot of "mom, it's o.k. I can do it." Like today, I was getting everything ready for lunch and she went and made her own peanut butter and jelly sandwich. She has done that several times in the last few weeks. She is a big helper to Landon and loves to help/teach him. I was so shocked when I looked at these 2 pictures.
Here is Kaylie on her first day of preschool...

And her last day of preschool...


Outside of school


Mami and Grandma

Ceremony During the ceremony the kids sang about 4 songs and Ms. Sarah handed out awards. It was really cute because she made up awards that fit each child. Kaylie's award was "Most likely to be Ms. Sarah or Ms. Carie." Kaylie was very excited and it fit her perfect because she was telling us on the way to school how she wanted to be a teacher when she grows up.

I could not get a close up video of Kaylie singing during her celebration day so I decided to have her sing one of her songs at home and take a close up video. :)
My big boy...

Here is a video of Landon singing his ABC's. He has been doing it for awhile but I could never get him to do it for the camera.
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